A Day in the Life...

Friday, June 24, 2005

Yer phone's dead...

So after an evening of hearing "Yer phone's dead" repeated about 335 times over the course of 2 hours, I am adding a new post, and then heading off to bed. Brian Wilson was, of course, clueless as ever tonight at Callie's. He continued to coax Shane away from the apartment.

Every party has a pooper and that's why we invited you, (B.Wilson), party poooper, party poooper!

When I arrived at Callie's abode, we were surprised, well not surprised, to find out that we were wearing the same pants. Well, her's were from the sale rack at Dillards and mine were from the Junior's rack at Ross...yet, mine were still cheaper. Figures...
Megan said that I get my money's worth because I wear the same black capris and jean jacket every time...try every party, biotch (j/k I love you Megs). AND, it's ironic because I didn't wear those pants tonight when she said it. I guess I was a little offended because I do wear them a lot, and people laughed at her comment...BUT WHO THE HECK REALLY CARES? It's true...I do wear my clothes alot now...I'm getting better at wearing the things that I buy.
Well, what else is interesting? Robert was in the shower while Patty was answering his phone...sketch. Why wasn't she in the shower with him? I guess that question is self-answerable. Brandon didn't pick up his phone for the 20 times we called him. Loser. My cat is out of control right now climbing on the curtains.
I'm pretty damn bored because my husband is out of town. We aren't married, and we aren't even engaged. We have been together for 3 years now. Shouldn't that be common-law marriage by now? I miss him alot. I miss talking to him on the phone. He'll be back on Tuesday.
HOORAY...school is almost over!
Love you Callie you schnookums. And remember...Yer, phone's dead, and goose is awake...just look at her beady little eyes....


At 9:03 PM, Blogger kat said...

i love things that happen just because you stay around long enough like common law marriage. My favorite would have to be squatter's rights which means if you live in a place 7 years it belongs to you. I don't understand how people don't take advantage of this more often. I plan to in the near future. If I start tomorrow I could be a proud homeowner by the time I'm 25.

At 7:59 AM, Blogger cal cal said...

Hey that is what I was going to title my journal entry! Damn! HEHE. I LOOOOVED our pants! They were so precious. wear your jean jacket as much as you want honey, i loooove mine too!!!!!!


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