A Day in the Life...

Friday, March 17, 2006

Dust a flyin'

I haven't updated in a while...sorrrrrry! I've been kinda stressed, but it's all better now. We met with the Co-Op Board on Tuesday, which was crazy stressful, but it all worked out because they approved me and I closed on my condo on Wednesday! THEN, Bobby and I headed to Helen for a romantic get-away for the remainder of our Spring Breaks. It was alot of fun, and it was some much needed time with my man. This morning Callie called around 9 AM to tell a funny story, so I woke up in Helen and enticed Bobby to help me rip out carpet and pull up floor tiles (bribed him with Wolfgang Puck...always works!), so we actually got all the nasty old carpet out and got the kitchen floor tiles out. NEXT it's time to refinish those hardwoods...they're in really bad shape right now, but once we've worked on them, they'll be wonderful. We already bought the porcelain kitchen floor tiles, so we'll be putting those in soon. I hope to head down there tomorrow to start doing some deep cleaning and put on my new WHITE toilet seat (the one on there now is PINK!). Maybe I'll see Callie, but maybe not. WHO KNOWS! ANYWAYS, this weekend I have to finish answering my last question on my Poli Sci midterm and then outline a paper I have to write on Monday...yuck! SO that's all...


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