A Day in the Life...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Well, what's going on?

Lot's of research is what's going on. It looks like I got a job at Creative Loafing during the summer...very exciting.

Last weekend I went down to South Georgia for the Faulk Family Annual Oyster Roast...very interesting. They were contemplating making a shirt that read "I survived the Faulk Family Oyster Roast: 2006"...I would buy one, probably.

The Wal-Mart down in Jesup only sells 12 packs of beer...hot. Very disappointing...but we did down 76 beers in one night...has to be some sort of record...people by the fire drinking beer and talking about hunting...interesting.

Yesterday I tried to wake up and go work out in the AM, but it didn't happen, instead I went at night and enjoyed the new machines...including one called the TreadClimber. I had done 30 minutes on the elliptical and I was wanting something easy, so I look at this thing and it looks pretty easy, right? You just have to walk. I was wrong. As I get going, in a long paced stride, the words "No need to run, it's 2x the exercise" flash up. At this point, it's been 2 minutes and I've burned 45 calories...and I'm thinking okay this is good. By 8.45 mins, I've burned 100 calories and my heart feels like it's gonna jump out of my chest...I just told myself--"MAKE IT TO 10 MINUTES"...it happened, and I jogged to my car becauase I felt like I may have a heart attack if I slowed down. Whatever, I'm going again today.

Chinese food tonight...I'm very excited. Nap in 5 minutes...I'm very excited. Buckhead drunken bar hopping in 2 weekends...I'm very excited. Semester over in 3.5 weeks...I'm VERY excited. CHRISTMAS IN A LITTLE MORE THAN A MONTH...VERY VERY EXCITED.


At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well...there are lots of exciting things coming up! I am really looking forward to everythign!!

At 8:19 PM, Blogger kat said...

treadclimber is my gym salvation.


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