Much Needed Update
Can you believe the holidays are over? They really sped by.
Anyways, here's a list of things I've done this holiday season:
- saw Black Christmas
- went to Helen with 4 much loved friend
- bought some really neat 1920's advertisements from Clarkesville, Ga
- got an awesome French writing desk for Christmas
- bought an antique white dresser on Craigslist
- wrote 10 stories for Agnes Scott equalling $500
- reunited with my long lost best friend ever
- saw Bonnie, Jackie, Kelcy, and the entire Faulk clan and enjoyed my time with them a great deal
- watched many movies with my Mommy
- burned my mouth with my latte I made with my parent's new Tassimo coffee maker
- realized someone wrote me a bad check and got charged $35
- become obsessed with garage sales/thrift store
- been bad about returning phone calls on time
- listened to way too much Beach Boys, Justin Timberlake, and Red Hot Chili Peppers
- babysat for the Kelley's alot
- realized my childhood witch of a piano-teacher has a boyfriend...which is extremely creepy
-missed my family
-missed my family
-mailed my cousin a copy of the beloved Burger King XBox game, 'Sneak King'
- dominated at Golden Eye
- ate way too much sweet potato casserole and turkey sandwiches
- went grocery shopping finally
- got my grades: 3 A's and 1 B
- dealt with cranky professors
-went into my attic for the first time to store all my Christmas/Halloween decor
- fell in love with my new bed comforter
- missed my Alexandra way too much while she was in New Orleans
- got a new ID at the DMV and had a horrible picture...
- made plans to attend Shane's birthday
- missed all my pals
- felt gracious to Kat for helping to find out a new job for Bobby
- got a free Jim Jones shot at Trackside with Holly
- tipped way too much for a $3.50 drink
- found my Starbucks coffee Breakfast Blend on sale at Target
**Those pictures are from the mtns.
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