A Day in the Life...

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Jean val Jean Ramon (in a French accent)...

Last night was interesting. I sat in my room by myself and cleaned. I also did all of my homework for the weekend...and it rained. Kerry and I took a break and went to Walmart, and that was fun--I got some moleskin bandages so I can now wear my cute flats whenever I want without getting blisters!

Heather is in Virginia until Sunday night. It's nice to have a room to myself, it really just enforces my desire to get an apartment next year. Hopefully that'll happen.

I also watched some good 'ole episodes of I Love Lucy---you know the one where Lucy wants to be an Apachee dancer so she can dance in Ricky's show? Jean val Jean Ramon, the French man, comes and tries to entire Lucy and challenges Ricky to a duel. Ricky then agrees and then Jean cowers down because Ricky actually wants to duel. Then Jean says, "I thought American men were afraid to duel" and Ricky laughs and says, "I guess you were fooled by my Brooklyn accent." HA HA HA (Ricky is NOT American for those who don't get it...)

Anyways, I just got some brunch, and now I am relaxing in my quiet room. I just saw a lesbian couple stroll by hand in hand. Oh Agnes, how I heart thee... Tonight will be alot of fun! I am going to go see my buddies, and my Bobby. It should be blast. I hope the weather will still be nice!


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