A Day in the Life...

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I got nothin'

Why the heck would they allows this font to be on the blog? It's so boring and blah like the post I am leaving today. Today was my last day of summer classes, so that is the best thing that happened to me all day. I watched a really great movie called "The Upside of Anger," and I am considering purchasing it because it was that good. I realized today that one of the girls who is going to be a freshman at Agnes this Fall is the younger sister of one of the sweetest guys who works at Ed Voyles where I get my car serviced. I facebooked her, and I know that she is gonna think I'm a freak. I just wanted to say hey and to tell her bro I said what's up. Anyways, tomorrow is a big day. Two parties. I found out today that one of my mom's friends needs a house-sitter for August 12th-16th, and she lives in Alpharetta in a really cute townhouse with a puppy chihcuahsdfkja (I have no clue how you spell it...it's the Taco Bell dog). This will be interesting because I also have to help Heather move in...I guess the cute little pup will come with me! Anyways, I think I'm about to hit the sack, I'm beat. So, I'll probably have something more interesting to write about after I recover from this upcoming weekend. Ciao.


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