A Day in the Life...

Saturday, September 30, 2006

My Lists

So, I thought I'd make some lists:

Things that make me happy lately:
- the cool autumn weather
- Old Navy clearance
- my new Pumpkin Ale
- homemade rice krispy treats
- good dreams at night
- Jim Slater
- the Thrashers
-being 21
-my kitten
-not getting taxes taken out of my pay check...ever
- Justin Timberlake's song, "My Love"
- the show, "Everybody Hates Chris" and "Flavor of Love"...why is New York on this season again?
- I got one of my papers out of the way for next week
- I slept in to 1 PM today
- Kate is coming to Agnes next semester...:-)

Things that make me sad lately:
- having no energy to make it to the Y lately
- having to write a Chinese philosophy paper tomorrow
- Black Cat is taking over my weekend next weekend
- doing the overnight at Haagar's House tonight
- noticing that I am getting a double-chin...very disturbing
- realizing money really doesn't grow on trees
- missing certain people...alot
- hearing about things people say behind my back
- my New Testament test that's next week (Thursday)
- my highly disappointing frozen Chinese food last night
- my period is coming
- there is no end in sight for school...

**Just thought I should lay out these things...


At 9:52 AM, Blogger kat said...

things that make me unhappy:
-missing the train
-people who walk in front of my car
-being double booked

things that make me insanely happy:
-checks in the mail
-running up the stairs to make the train
-3 day weeks

At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah frozen chinese is never good...


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