A Day in the Life...

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Well, this weekend was interesting. On Friday night, Katherine came over and we went to Walgreens at 2 AM...very interesting. I almost bought a toaster oven for $10.00, and I still might. My toaster is a genuine piece...I guess you get what you paid for...only $4.88...but whatever.

I babysat for the Kelley's, and that was just interesting in itself. They rolled in in their taxi (with their friend) around 3:30 AM. They were completely COMPLETELY sloshed. Mandy told me that she was going to walk me to my car in case her husband's friend (she reassured me that her husband wouldn't) hassle me or try and hit on me. Sick. The friend was giving the cab driver a difficult time, so I just got in my car, and locked the doors, and just waiting for the friend to stumbly walk inside the Kelley's house. Mandy then drunkenly informed me that she had alot more babysitting dates coming up and that she would just e-mail me...

So school starts this week. What a pisser. I think this semester will be interesting. I am realizing who my true friends are, and I am making new friends, which is always a breath of fresh air. Sometimes I wonder why we stick with people (friends) who get us down when there are so many more great people out there?

Well, hopefully I will do something fun tomorrow. I have to babysit on Tuesday all day...but maybe I'll go out to eat to celebrate my LAST day of summer...oh gosh.

My birthday is coming up...I just can't wait.


At 5:56 AM, Blogger cal cal said...

You'll have to figure out what day you're having your big party because the 23rd night I am busy...just to warn you ahead of time. It's going to be fun though!!! We'll have to plan it all out.

At 12:31 PM, Blogger Jenna Bean said...

What'cha doing the 23rd?

At 3:02 PM, Blogger cal cal said...

We'll be in Madison, Georgia for the day and into the night for Lisa's 40th birthday. IT's a family-filled day. It's been set up for months, so we can't back out.


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