Greetings from the Land of Shamrocks...
HELLOOOOO....well, I am killing time right now in the town of Derry, which is in Northern Ireland. It is owned by the UK and they use Sterling, so I am thrown off right as I was getting use to the Euros...oh well. I have spent way too much, so I will be paying off my credit card when I return...oh well. It's really cute, everybody here wears these boots with their jeans or gaunchos, so naturally I had to buy a pair. Actually, I bought two pairs of shoes...oops, I can't resist...I'm the shoe lady!
I will be very jet-lagged when I's 5 hours ahead of ATL time here. Tomorrow we are heading to Dunluce Castle which is a gi-normous castle on a jagged cliff overlooking the Atlantic Ocean...then it's off to Belfast to party it up. Drinking is expensive here, so I need to watch it. I will then need to rest the next night to prepare for my LAST NIGHT IN IRELAND...which will be in Dublin. We will be heading to the Temple Bar and then the Met Bar to drink heavily and have loads of fun...but I need to behave and prepare for the 8 hour flight. I wish Bobby could get off of work to pick me up from the airport, but he can't. He said that he will come over after he gets off of work...I hope so.
Well, they're gonna kick me outta this cafe so I need to go. I can't wait to eat a burrito when I get back. Mmmm.
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