A Day in the Life...

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hellloooo Week!

Today is Thursday, and I got the day off from Mandy...awesome. Today I went grocery shopping at both the Farmer's Market and Walmart...amazing deals...I do have way too much food now, but whatever. I'm so looking forward to this weekend...much relaxation and seeing my best buds on Saturday...it should be so much fun. Matt got into aviation school in Macon, and he is moving on Saturday...I'm pretty proud of him for going to school and getting an education of some sorts. Yesterday Bobby came over and we cooked steak and tomatos and corn and ate with my Mom. It was alot of fun. May caught her first lizard in the garage, so she was going crazy begging and crying to get back out during dinner, so that was a little annoying. Hmmm, the rest of the week was boring, except for Monday night. I ate yummy sushi with Katherine and then we rode Marta to Lenox to buy some new sunglasses. Needless to say, I am never taking Marta again when there is rain the the forecast. Katherine was amazing and let me use her umbrella...thanks. It was fun though...AND Hannah is coming in town next weekend so that should be fun. She is coming over on Saturday the 8th and we are probably just going to grab some lunch or something. She said there is a huge party at the Georgia Tech rugby house and she told me to bring people, so anyone up for it...Kat?

Not to keep blabbing, but for the 4th of July I want to do something fun. I already talked to Katherine about doing something, but Bobby and I may also have to go to Macon that day to pick up his cousin so he can come to 6 Flags on Wednesday...we want to get him because he has been through alot, including the death of his father last year...and he's only 15! Anyways, I will face my fear and ride the rollercoasters...at least it isn't White Water, bleck!


At 1:15 AM, Blogger kat said...

haha monday night was fun. i still love my stripper shoes. thanks for having me over tonight! we'll have to play cranium when you're less tired some time. haha.

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Jenna Bean said...

Haha, no kidding...I was trés grumpy...but do you want to go to IKEA tonight?


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