A Day in the Life...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


001. real name - Jenna
002. nickname - there are many...
003. single or taken - taken
004. zodiac sign - Virgo
005. male or female - female
006. elementary - Spalding Drive Elementary and then Wesleyan
008. highschool - Wesleyan
010. hair color - dirty blonde
011. long or short - getting long again
015. are you health freak - maybe a little more these days
016. height - 5'4
017. do you have a crush on someone - of course
018. do you like yourself - yes
019. piercings -5
020. tattoos - yes, unfortunately
021. righty or lefty - righty

022. first surgery - probably when I was born?
023. first piercing - 13
024. best friend - Kate Binkow
025.first award - preschool--person least likely to be able to sit still on a spot
026. first sport you joined - soccer
027. first pet - dog- Skeeter
028. first vacation - Savannah
029. first concert - Dave Matthews
030. first crush - Bobby Sweet

049. eating - nothing
050. drinking - nothing
052. i'm about to - finish painting my bread box
055. waiting for - ppl to give me all the money they owe me
057. wearing - black workout pants and a UGA t-shirt
058. want kids? of course.
059. want to get married? yes, but no time soon
060. careers in mind? writing/flipping

068. lips or eyes? eyes.
069. hugs or kisses? both.
070. shorter or taller? taller
072. romantic or spontaneous? both.
073. nice stomach or nice arms? stomach
074. sensitive or loud? both!
075. hook-up or relationship? relationship.
077. trouble maker or hesitant? a lil' of both

078. kissed a stranger - nope
079. drank bubbles - no idea...maybe some bubbley
080. lost glasses/contacts - yeah sunglasses
081. ran away from home - no
084. broken somone's heart - sadly yeah
085. been arrested - no
086. turned someone down - ohhh yeah
087. cried when someone died -yes
088. liked a friend - yeah.

089. yourself - usually
090. miracles - of course
091. love at first sight - probably no
092. heaven - yes.
093. santa clause - yes.
094. sex on the first date -no that would be a one night stand basically
095. kissing on the first date - maybe
096. angels - a little

97. is there one or more people you want to be with right now?One
099. had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time?LOL yeah....when I was little though.
100. do you believe in god?yes.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Much Needed Update

Can you believe the holidays are over? They really sped by.
Anyways, here's a list of things I've done this holiday season:
- saw Black Christmas
- went to Helen with 4 much loved friend
- bought some really neat 1920's advertisements from Clarkesville, Ga
- got an awesome French writing desk for Christmas
- bought an antique white dresser on Craigslist
- wrote 10 stories for Agnes Scott equalling $500
- reunited with my long lost best friend ever
- saw Bonnie, Jackie, Kelcy, and the entire Faulk clan and enjoyed my time with them a great deal
- watched many movies with my Mommy
- burned my mouth with my latte I made with my parent's new Tassimo coffee maker
- realized someone wrote me a bad check and got charged $35
- become obsessed with garage sales/thrift store
- been bad about returning phone calls on time
- listened to way too much Beach Boys, Justin Timberlake, and Red Hot Chili Peppers
- babysat for the Kelley's alot
- realized my childhood witch of a piano-teacher has a boyfriend...which is extremely creepy
-missed my family
-mailed my cousin a copy of the beloved Burger King XBox game, 'Sneak King'
- dominated at Golden Eye
- ate way too much sweet potato casserole and turkey sandwiches
- went grocery shopping finally
- got my grades: 3 A's and 1 B
- dealt with cranky professors
-went into my attic for the first time to store all my Christmas/Halloween decor
- fell in love with my new bed comforter
- missed my Alexandra way too much while she was in New Orleans
- got a new ID at the DMV and had a horrible picture...
- made plans to attend Shane's birthday
- missed all my pals
- felt gracious to Kat for helping to find out a new job for Bobby
- got a free Jim Jones shot at Trackside with Holly
- tipped way too much for a $3.50 drink
- found my Starbucks coffee Breakfast Blend on sale at Target

**Those pictures are from the mtns.

Jenna Stegin's Facebook profile