I wish it were I could say bah-humbug (sp?) to everybody that I know...especially Mandy for making me babysit 7 kids on Wednesday and Thursday...for $15/hour. At least I will now have the money to buy my Northface fleece!!
Ok, so not much has happened. Saturday was Callie's party, and it was alot of fun. I haven't seen much of Bobby lately. It's almost like we're drifting his free time he sees his friends, and I just fuss at him so nothing is every accomplished. Annoying.
Today I worked from 10-2, which wasn't stressful at all. Then, I came home and took a quick nap and then worked out with Katherine at the YMCA...she did pretty well for not working out in forever...better than I. I did my arm workout again...I got to work on Saturday with a personal trainer, and he gave me a workout for my arms, and yes, it kills. I have another appointment with him on August 11th...can't wait!
Anyways, I discovered that I have a giant storage room in the attic. I figured I will store the gianormous Christmas tree my parents gave me in there...I really can't wait for Christmas.
I finally got a coupon for a free panty from Victoria's I'm not the only person on the planet without one. Hooray.
I really can't wait for my magazines to should be another 2-9 weeks...bleck. 1 years worth of 2 magazines for $13.99 can't beat that. Website= or not sure which one...but crazy deals.
Ok, so this week is nothing exciting. I work everyday (including Friday and Saturday night!) please come visit/call/e-mail/message/ANYTHING to help me keep my sanity. And, if you would like a few babysitting jobs in the near future for $10/hr please contact me...