Today was super hectic. I packed my car with alot of my dorm things in the hopes to get a load out of the way, only to find out that Heather had been threatened by the R.A. that if she saw me moving some stuff in that she would turn me, I just left everything in my car. How annoying. I mean, what does it matter that some, not all, but some of my stuff is in the dorm? Poor Heather. So, not wanting to make my drive to Decatur worthless, I went to Northlake Mall with Heather so she could return some things to the Old Navy in there. There were soo many cute things on sale there, that I wanted everything, but, I only have $20.67 in my bank account. I think my mom is going to re-up my account tomorrow, so thank God. After returning a pair of worthless headphones to Target, I had the hopes of returning home, but traffic was absolutely horrendous (sp?) today, and it was so damn hot. I almost threw a brick (if I had one) at about 20 different cars because people are so rude these days! I was sitting in traffic with my blinker on to get over, but of course, what do people do? Speed up, yup that's right. How annoying? At about 5:3o on 285 Bobby calls me begging for me to let him use my car for work...his is goign into the shop to get repaired about the Pizza Hut guy crushed his door in. So, I decided it would be smart to get out of the 285 traffic and just chill for a bit. By 9:00 tonight, I'm exhausted. I wanted to hang out with Callie, but the day just slipped away from me. Hopefully, I'll get to go to dinner and say good-bye to Megan tomorrow night, it's sad she's leaving. The fun times won't cease, however, but Megan won't be there to partake. Hopefully, I'll make it to N'Orleans at some point...Greyhound or the Amtrak with Katherine (since we decided we can't afford airfare)!!!! Oh well, now I'm beat and I need to get some rest before my day should be hell. Ciao.